Our Services

JBSL is a legal finance company, but that is the only thing we have in common with our competitors.

Our law firm and corporate clients turn to us for competitive rates and creative structures to help meet their bespoke financing needs.

Our co-investors look to us for unmatched origination capabilities and stellar deal flow and structuring.

Every deal incorporates liquidity via syndication, secondary market trading and other tools.

two people sitting at a table looking at a laptop

Services for Law Firms, Corporate Plaintiffs and Claim Owners

The JBSL Legal Funding team specializes in law firm and corporate legal asset lending. Law firms ranging from traditional contingency firms to AmLaw 100 now turn to litigation financing. Publicly traded and private companies utilize litigation finance for balance sheet and legal asset maximization.

two people at a table signing documents

Services For Investors And Litigation Funders

JBSL focuses on legal lending and investing. Through our syndication model, institutional investors of all types have access to JBSL co-invest opportunities and expertise.

JBSL is also the only desk on Wall Street that actively and consistently facilitates secondary market trading for our clients and investment partners.

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The structuring and/or sale of any securities would be effected by Dorset Peak Securities LLC, Member SIPC/FINRA.